Privacy Policy for Sticky Boost BundleEffective Date: November 20, 2023Introduction
Welcome to Sticky Boost Bundle's Privacy Policy. Sticky Boost Bundle, available at, is a Shopify app that helps merchants create appealing product bundles, enhancing sales and customer engagement. We understand the importance of user data and privacy, and in this policy, we outline our practices and commitment towards ensuring the privacy and protection of your data.
Data Collection and Use
2.1 Information Collected Through Shopify's APIs: We collect data regarding merchants' use of our bundle creation tools.
2.2 Information from Merchants: Apart from the data collected through Shopify's APIs, we may also generate automated logs relating to a merchant's use of Sticky Boost Bundle.
2.3 Information from Merchant's Customers: We don't directly collect data from merchants' customers.
2.4 Use of Collected Information: The data we collect is primarily used to enhance our services, provide insights into product bundling trends, and ensure compliance with GDPR.
Data Storage
Data is securely stored for as long as necessary to provide our services. We have robust systems in place to prevent unauthorized access.
Data Transfer and Processing
We comply with GDPR regulations, processing and storing data outside of Europe when necessary, but always in accordance with GDPR.
Data Rights of Individuals
Under GDPR, European residents have the right to access, correct, erase, and restrict how their data is processed. Data-related requests can be sent to our contact email below.
Data Protection Officer
We've appointed an officer to ensure our ongoing commitment and compliance with GDPR, despite not processing personal data at a scale that mandates a DPO.
Marketing and Advertising
Sticky Boost Bundle does not engage in interest-based marketing or advertising requiring GDPR specific consents.
Data Deletion Requests
We adhere to Shopify's mandatory webhooks for receiving any data deletion requests issued by merchants.
Compliance and Reviews
Our processes and systems are continually monitored to remain compliant with GDPR and other relevant regulations.
Contact Us
For any data-related questions, concerns, or requests, please contact us at: Email: [email protected]
Changes to the Privacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policy periodically, with changes communicated through our official website.
Disclaimer: This Privacy Policy is to communicate Sticky Boost Bundle's data practices in compliance with GDPR. Consult a lawyer for complete compliance with all regulations.